Tuesday, February 22, 2011

लू सुन की कहानी "एक पागल की डायरी" ("A Mad Man's Dairy" by Lu Xun)

धन-लोलुपता की नीव पर खड़े सामाजिक मूल्यों का अमानवीय, पाशविक, नंगा प्रतीकात्मक चेहरा दिखाती लू सुन की कहानी "एक पागल की डायरी" (A Mad Man's Dairy)

It shows the values of a class society where every individual from inside the family to outside in the society, all look for eating other, in the form of the fruits of his labor, his work, his whole life, on the name of profit and competition, on the name of success and failure. Some are intentionally doing so and others are indirectly forced to do so. The writer finally imagine that everyone around him are doing it; so at the end he shout “Perhaps there are still children who have not eaten men? Save the children. . . .”

Read the full Story at : Here

Take a look  on some Words  from this story:

"Wanting to eat men, at the same time afraid of being eaten themselves, they all look at each other with the deepest suspicion. . . ." “How comfortable life would be for them if they could rid themselves of such obsessions and go to work, walk, eat and sleep at ease. They have only this one step to take. Yet fathers and sons, husbands and wives, brothers, friends, teachers and students, sworn enemies and even strangers, have all joined in this conspiracy, discouraging and preventing each other from taking this step."

"It is very little, but I find it difficult to say. Brother, probably all primitive people ate a little human flesh to begin with. Later, because their outlook changed, some of them stopped, and because they tried to be good they changed into men, changed into real men. But some are still eating—just like reptiles. Some have changed into fish, birds, monkeys and finally men; but some do not try to be good and remain reptiles still. When those who eat men compare themselves with those who do not, how ashamed they must be. Probably much more ashamed than the reptiles are before monkeys."

"[O]f course you can do nothing about it single-handed; but why should you join them? As man-eaters they are capable of anything. If they eat me, they can eat you as well; members of the same group can still eat each other. But if you will just change your ways immediately, then everyone will have peace."

"I knew they were one band, all eaters of human flesh. But I also knew that they did not all think alike by any means. Some of them thought that since it had always been so, men should be eaten. Some of them knew that they should not eat men, but still wanted to; and they were afraid people might discover their secret;"

"You should change, change from the bottom of your hearts!" I said. "You most know that in future there will be no place for man-eaters in the world." "If you don't change, you may all be eaten by each other. Although so many are born, they will be wiped out by the real men, just like wolves killed by hunters. Just like reptiles!" "You should change at once, change from the bottom of your hearts! You must know that in future there will be no place for man-eaters in the world . . . ."

"The sun does not shine, the door is not opened, every day two meals."

"I have only just realized that I have been living all these years in a place where for four thousand years they have been eating human flesh."

"How can a man like myself, after four thousand years of man-caring history—even though I knew nothing about it at first—ever hope to face real men?"

"Perhaps there are still children who have not eaten men? Save the children. . . ."

1 comment:

  1. हल्ला बोल के मित्रों,
    आपका ब्लॉग पढ़कर मुझे सिर्फ एक बात का ध्यान आता है कि आपने शायद समाज में फैली अनेक समस्याओं को लेकर कुछ गलत निष्कर्ष निकाल लिया है।
    समाज में फैला आतंकवाद, बेरोज़गारी, लूट-मार, अराजकता और भ्रष्टाचार जैसी अनेक समस्याएं किसी धर्म या किसी कौम की देन नहीं हैं, बल्कि ये समाज की उस मानवता विरोधी भौतिक परिस्थियों और यह संपत्ति की उस बेशरम भूख की ईजाद हैं जो कुछ लोगो के व्यक्तिगत फायदे के लिए समाज की मेहनतकश बहुसंख्या को नरक में झोंक कर कुछ मुट्टी भर लोगों के लिए आराम मुहैया करा रहा है।
    हमे परलोक के भगवान से ज्यादा इस लोक में इन्सान की चिंता करनी चाहिये, और हम उसके लिए प्रचार करते हैं। हमारा विश्वास है कि जब तक वर्तमान समाज में मेहनत करने वालों का शोषण होता रहेगा तब तक कोई भी प्रचार चाहे वो देश, धर्म और भगवान को लेकर हो या मानवता को लेकर, उसका कोई तात्पर्य नहीं हो सकता।
    आज समाज की सबसे पहली आवश्यकता है कि व्यक्ति द्वारा व्यक्ति के शोषण पर आधारित समाज को बदला जाए। दूसरे धर्मों, दूसरी कौमों को किसी समस्या का जिम्मेदार ठहराना, जबकि समाज की सबसे बड़ी मेहनतकश आबादी को न तो कोई देश ही है, और न कोई धर्म, उसकी तो सिर्फ अपनी मेहनत और बाजुओं की ताकत ही उसका देश, भगवान और धर्म सब कुछ है...
    आप इस संदर्भ में अपने विचारों को यहाँ बाँट सकते हैं..
    और अपने सुझाव दे सकते हैं,
    और आगे आ सकते हैं, इस समाज को बदलने के लिए,
    इंसानों कि भौतिक मुक्ति के लिए, और मानवता कि प्रगति के लिए।


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