Some people of some section in our society remain busy in "enjoying"
"art", and many "artists" are daily taking birth in our society, and lot of entertainment is presented before people for 24 hours daily so
that they can pass their time. We can say that most of the middle class people are surrounded with a lot of "art" for entertainment. On this type of entertainment we need to take a deeper
look on some more detailed part of art. Here are few points from the Essay 'Aesthetic
Relations of Art to Reality' written by Nicholas G. Chernyshevsky
in 1853 ( Rest you can read the complete article here ) :
of art is not limited only to beauty and its so-called moments, but embraces
everything in reality (in nature and in life) that is of interest to man
not as a scholar but as an ordinary human being; that which is of common
interest in life – such is the content of art."
relation of art to life is the same as that of history; the only difference in
content is that history, in its
account of the life of mankind, is concerned mainly with factual truth, whereas
art gives us stories about the lives of men in which the place of
factual truth is taken by faithfulness to psychological and moral truth.
The first function of
history is to reproduce life; the second, which is not performed by all
historians, is to explain it."
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